5 dangerous but common beauty procedures women do

Even in modern times, women are still risking their lives. In this article, we list some of these risky but deadly beauty routines.

A chemical peel is a procedure where a person’s skin is soaked in chemicals that aim at removing the skin’s top layer.

Most women will opt for chemical peels when they have wrinkles, discolouration or want to have a much lighter complexion.

It seems like a good idea, as it makes them look almost as if they are being reborn, but the consequences are dire: redness, scarring, swelling, bacterial, viral and fungal infection, and heart, kidney and liver damage. This is because chemical peels contain phenol which affects the kidney and liver.

Brazilian wax is a hair removal procedure. Many people (both male and female) love Brazilian hair wax because it shaves your hair completely and keeps it shaven for a long while, but of course, there are some risks to it.

First of all, it is excruciatingly painful, but besides the pain, there is a risk of infection and skin tears. It also increases your chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Botox injections are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face and eyes and are a personal favourite of many Hollywood celebrities.

Apart from giving a frozen look – she won’t be able to move her face or smile properly – botox can lead to swelling, bruising, redness, breathing difficulties and impaired vision.

Also, botox is not a one-time thing, you have to top it up regularly, usually every three months.

Brazilian Butt Lift commonly called BBL is a dangerous but common procedure done by many young women today.

The procedure for performing the BBL is scary. A metal rod called a cannula is used to suction fat from the abdomen or hips. After that, the fat taken is grafted and treated and then surgical incisions are made in the buttocks. Then the fat is injected into the buttocks.

The number of qualified plastic surgeons in Nigeria are few yet many women go through these dangerous procedures.

So, what are the risks when a woman gets a BBL? Bruising, stretch marks, blood clots, fat embolism (which is fat flowing into the bloodstream and travelling into the lungs), necrosis of fat, and cardiac and pulmonary complications. All these risks are fatal.

False eyelashes give women long sensual eyelashes but there are some risks to it.

Eyelashes are applied with semi-permanent glue and some of these glues have no right to be applied anywhere close to your eyes.

Since your eyes are so important, they need to be properly taken care of.

Eyelashes extension can cause hair loss and damage to eyelashes. It can also cause redness, headaches, swelling and infections.

While looking good is not a crime and does wonders to a woman’s self-esteem and confidence, no beauty routine is worth her life.