Beauty pageants: Men are better at being women than women themselves

Men: They can do anything women can do, only better. At least, that seems to be what beauty pageants are preaching these days.

Amid recent signs of progress in beauty pageants — a black woman winning Miss Universe, a scientist being crowned Miss America — there has been another development that has turned back any progress that women have made in fighting narrow beauty standards. The concept of female beauty has become so malleable that the “female” part isn’t even important anymore.


Between the transgender Miss France contestant and the transgender Miss Nevada USA winner, men across the Western Hemisphere have been stealing the spotlight from women and beating them at their own game.

And now, Miss Universe has been purchased by a transgender activist. Chakrapong “Anne” Chakrajutathib, a Thailand business tycoon who spent roughly $1 million on surgery to look like a woman, has purchased the pageant for $20 million through JKN Global Group.

The Associated Press reported that Chakrapong “is a celebrity in Thailand who has starred in reality shows and is outspoken about being a transgender woman. She helped establish a nonprofit group, Life Inspired For Transsexual Foundation, to promote trans rights.”

And while Chakrapong described the purchase merely as “a strong, strategic addition to our portfolio,” we can only guess that there are more than business reasons for a transgender woman to purchase an international pageant dedicated to women’s beauty.

We’re increasingly being told that women’s beauty, and womanhood itself, are things you can buy if you can afford them — or use taxpayers’ money. And this is happening everywhere.

Ulta, the largest beauty retailer in the United States, recently published a podcast on “girlhood,” featuring a conversation between…two men. Imagine 10 years ago clicking on a YouTube video from a popular makeup brand and instead of seeing a smokey eye tutorial, you watch a man with long hair and a beard asking a man in a dress about his experience with “girlhood.” It would have been unbelievable.

Yet here we are, watching in real time as the biggest beauty brands tell women that they’re just as pretty as men who wear makeup. In response to critics who pointed this out online, Ulta’s Twitter account pushed back, saying, “We believe that beauty has no boundaries, and we want to create an environment where all expressions of beauty are welcome.”


If beauty “has no boundaries,” then what does beauty even mean? According to the radical gender ideologues, it apparently means nothing — or everything. Despite their apparent disdain for reality, the concept of beauty is still so sacred that anyone who says men can’t be beautiful in the same way that women can is labeled a bigot.

While leftists are busy complaining about unrealistic beauty standards for women, we are now facing the most ridiculous one of all: the idea that women must compete with men who want to look like them.