Frandor Shopping Center agrees to continue CATA service

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – An agreement has been made that will allow CATA to continue to service the Frandor Shopping Center.

Background: 2 CATA bus stops to be removed at Frandor Shopping Center

The Lansing Retail Center announced it would remove two CATA bus stops from Frandor on Tuesday to “ensure customer and employee safety.”

Lansing Mayor Andy Schor announced Wednesday that an agreement has been made to continue CATA service at the Frandor Shopping Center.

CATA said they are required to remove the bus shelters and benches in order to operate on the property.

“This is a stop-gap solution – a temporary fix that allows us to continue to serve Frandor Shopping Center,” said Lolo Robison, with CATA. “We believe that service with shelters should be provided here, to benefit our riders, businesses and the community. Forced to choose between no service at all and no shelters, no shelters is the less-undesirable option.”

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